Funding for Hospital Set

Source: Post Courier

Funding has been Secured for the long awaited National Capitol District Level 5 Hospital

This follows a meeting between the NCD Governor, Powes Parkop, and the health secretary, Dr. Osborne Liko.

In a statement the governor said funding for the hospital is secured from the Chinese Government and a local bank and is waiting cabinet approval. “The country needs our new hospital to commence and be completed as soon as possible so that Port Moresby General Hospital can become the National Referral and Teaching Hospital,” Parkop said.

The meeting also finalized the board composition of NCD Provincial Health Authority which had been vacant for the last 6 months. Parkop said announcements on both matters will be made soon. The latest update on the NCDPHA on the hospital was that scoping and relocation plans, for the hospital is underway. NCD, has already allocated the land for the hospital at Tete, Gerehu.

According to Volume 3a Public investment Program for National Government Departments 2023-2026, the planning stage is completed and paid off by the Department of Health and has appointed Pacific Asia Limited as the developer of the project.